Stories and chapters tagged: female domme

Stories involving people who identify as women in dominant positions (also known as femdom)


Browse all 4 story chapters with this tag here.

Override // Chapter 4: Lexi (part 2)

Lexi's feet moved with a mind of their own. Not too fast, not too slow, she walked with a confidence totally at odds with her internal state.

Override // Chapter 3: Lexi (part 1)

Violet curled her legs up onto the big armchair and sipped from the big mug she held in both hands. She had a window seat in one of the chain coffee shops overlooking the city's busiest tourist square. Hundreds of people, mostly visitors, milled around in the summer heat below her: taking pictures, buying street food and planning the rest of their day.

Override // Chapter 1: Maya

Sitting down on the bench, Mark looked down from the crowded city square to his phone. The main screen of Override was simple. The avatar his mistress always used was displayed at the top in a big circle, with time controls underneath. There were more settings hidden behind a little cog icon, but they weren't available on his subscription.